Dossier: Europe's future after Brexit
For the first time in the EU's history, a member state has voted to leave the European Union, with 52 percent of the British voters favoring a "Brexit". Since the surprising results were announced, Prime Minister David Cameron as well as the leaders of the Brexit campaign, Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, have stepped down, leaving the country in political turmoil.
In our dossier, we want to explore the international reactions: How are the EU member states as well as the US, Russia and Asian governments responding to the Brexit decision? What will be the long and short term implications for other member states and the future of the European Union?
National views on Brexit
Talk of Brexit dominated the recent NATO summit in the Polish capital. Britain, the European Union and the rest of the allies will have to redefine their relations in the spheres of data exchange and secret service cooperation – operations which are pertinent to issues such as the war on terrorism".
Britain’s departure provides Viktor Orbán and the Visegrád countries with political opportunities. The V4 are advocating stronger national sovereignty and fewer competences for the Commission, and they are likely to attempt to fill the vacuum left by the traditionally Eurosceptic British government."
Polityka międzynarodowa
Międzynarodowy ład polityczny przeżywa od wielu lat istotne zmiany, w których Unia Europejska chce i powinna odgrywać ważną i aktywną rolę. Jednak w obliczu wyzwań i istniejących już linii podziałów same deklaracje polityczne nie wystarczą. Wspieramy działania rządów i instytucji unijnych na rzecz ścisłej współpracy na arenie międzynarodowej i stwarzamy przestrzeń do debaty i ścierania się interesów poszczególnych państw członkowskich. Z perspektywy Warszawy szczególnie ważne w naszej działalności są relacje ze wschodnimi sąsiadami jak Ukraina, Białoruś i Rosja. W polityce bezpieczeństwa akcentujemy poszanowanie praw człowieka i demokratyczną kontrolę nad służbami zbrojnymi.

Partnerzy Polityka Międzynarodowa
Debate: " Relationship with a past: how to restore faith in the European Union?" - video
Video recording of a plenary session held as part of "World in Focus. Warsaw International Gathering" (3-4.06.2016). Invited experts - Krzysztof Blusz, Sylvie Kauffmann, Prof. Jan Zielonka and Ivan Krastev - discuss the real causes for present divisions and progressing radicalisation as well as key challenges for Europe's integrity and well-being.
"If you want to commit a suicide as a political union, put the referendum on the table. The very fact that you come with an idea of the referendum on the EU, destroys one of the major assumptions behind the project, because in a strange way European Union is a self-fulfilling prophecy."Ivan Krastev
Blog: Young Voices of Europe
In this Blog young people from France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Slovakia, Sweden and the United Kingdom share their ideas about the current state of Europe, the rise of right-wing populism and their views on Brexit.