Does the end of oil mean the end of civilization? Energy that is completely renewable – a utopian vision or a foreseeable future?

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 Picture from the movie "The 4th Revolution. Energy Autonomy"

 The debate will take place as a part of the the 8th Planete Doc Film Festival after the screening of "The 4th Revolution. Energy Autonomy"
Sunday, May 8, 2011, the screening starts at 4.00 PM;
Kinoteka, Room 1,
Pałac Kultury i Nauki, Pl. Defilad 1, Warsaw

Is our civilization able to renounce fossil fuels? Is achieving complete energetic independence, understood as using energy solely from renewable, widely accessible, “clean” and economically feasible sources a utopia? What kind of conditions have to be met for this revolution to take place and how long is the road that will lead us there? What opportunities are connected with such a process and how do they relate to sustainable development and socio-economic justice?

Carl-A. Fechner, filmmaker, director of “The 4th Revolution. Energy Autonomy”
Maciej Muskat, Director of Greenpeace Poland
Paweł Poncyljusz, Member of the Polish Parliament and Poland Comes First (Polska Jest Najważniejsza) party

Piotr Aleksandrowicz, head of the Business Section in Newsweek Poland, will moderate the debate.

Invitation to the debate.