Big Book Festival – a book lovers celebration. Two days, several thousands of readers, 150 guests, 50 events in an international company, discussions, literary walks, public readings, virtual meetings, dozens of places. From serious tone to tongue in cheek – extraordinary urban spaces, streets, authors’ private rooms. An up-to-date festival engaging its audience in literary activities. Surprising and created together. Fully open.
POLAND ANEW. Exhibition. Pierwsze półrocze 1989 r. - Beginning of 1989 – Poland is changing, borders open, civic media and Round Table talks begin. How did it feel to become free? The only exhibition of public archives created by KARTA Center Foundation and Big Book Festival audience, SATURDAY - SUNDAY 11.00-18.00, DOM TOWAROWY BRACI JABŁKOWSKICH, UL. BRACKA 25
Wystawa została przygotowana we współpracy z Fundacją Ośrodka KARTA.
POLAND ANEW. Guided tour. A guided tour through the final days of Communism. Take a walk in Poles' shoes and capture the moment of hope and anxiety. Subscription required:spotkania@big-book.pl, SATURDAY - SUNDAY 11.00-12.00, DOM TOWAROWY BRACI JABŁKOWSKICH,UL. BRACKA 25.
Wystawa została przygotowana we współpracy z Fundacją Ośrodka KARTA.
DEBATE: HOMO ECONOMICUS. Polish economist Leszek Balcerowicz, Czech thinker Tomáš Sedláček and British writer Steven Poole face the issue of free market influence on people. Discussion on relations resembling transactions, irrational markets and tough rules of life. With translation. SATURDAY 13.00-15.00, DOM TOWAROWY BRACI JABŁKOWSKICH, UL. BRACKA 25
Partnerem debaty jest Forum Obywatelskiego Rozwoju.
WHO ARE YOU? Patriotic exercise for kids. How to be a patriot when you are five? Workshops for kids (5 to 9) based on a book by Joanna Olech and Edgar Bąk. Subscription required: spotkania@big-book.pl (proszę podać nazwę spotkania), SATURDAY 13.00-14.30, DOM TOWAROWY BRACI JABŁKOWSKICH, UL. BRACKA 25.
Partnerem wydarzenia jest Wydawnictwo Wytwórnia.
THE SOUND OF TRANSFORMATION. Bands and beats of the '90s. We put the 90's music memory tape on. The best songs of love and freedom, favourite stars, first labels and videoclips. You are welcome to shed a tear. SATURDAY 14.00-16.00, DOM TOWAROWY BRACI JABŁKOWSKICH, UL. BRACKA 25.
Partnerem wydarzenia jest Wydawnictwo Literackie.
DEBATE: THE STATE AND I. International and intergenerational talk on modern democracy and statehood. German politican Wolfgang Templin, political and blogger Jon Worth and publicist Michał Szułdrzyński debate. SUNDAY 16.00-18.00, DOM TOWAROWY BRACI JABŁKOWSKICH, UL. BRACKA 25
THERE'S NOBODY HOME. Family life after '89. Suffragists in the kitchen, directors at paternity leave, nannies at hand, parents abroad, love on-line. What did transformation do to our family life? SATURDAY 17.00-18.30, DOM TOWAROWY BRACI JABŁKOWSKICH, UL. BRACKA 25
Partnerem spotkania jest Otwórz Książkę, ICM - Uniwersytet Warszawski.
WEB LITERATURE. Workshop for young adults. Can you imagine a world in which all knowledge and art is accessible and free? What would it be like to mix Mickiewicz with hip-hop? Practical excercise in sharing your talent, includes musical improvisation with DJ Kwazar. Subscription required: spotkania@big-book.pl. We invite teenagers (12-16).
Partnerem warsztatów jest Narodowe Centrum Kultury.
ECONOMY OF GOOD AND EVIL. Open lecture of Tomáš Sedláček. Tomáš Sedláček – Czech economist, writer and tutor reveals surprising nature of modern economy. An inspiring lecture which combines feelings, morality, myths and religion to show the irrational world of banks and money. Meet one of the most famous and rebelious minds in the world. The lecture is open to all English speakers. SUNDAY 12.00-14.00, DOM TOWAROWY BRACI JABŁKOWSKICH, UL. BRACKA 25
UNFORGETTABLE VHS. 1989-2014 home video show. Bring your tape, video players available. Garden grills, First Communion celebrations and luxury holidays in Bulgaria – the life we registered after '89. Bring your own tape. Don't be shy and show us your VHS memories., NIEDZIELA 12.00-16.00, DOM TOWAROWY BRACI JABŁKOWSKICH, UL. BRACKA 25
HOW HOW TO READ A MILLION BOOKS? Culture and science without limits. Are there any limits to our knowledge and creativity in cyberworld? Analysts and researchers reveal virtual truths using human language, SUNDAY 13.00-14.30, DOM TOWAROWY BRACI JABŁKOWSKICH, UL. BRACKA 25.
Partnerami spotkania są Otwórz Książkę, ICM - Uniwersytet Warszawski oraz Ambasada Szwecji.
CYBERPUNK. Media e-revolution. Digital democracy, virtual illiteracy and virtual rage. All you need to know to participate in cyber society. SUNDAY 15.00-16.30, DOM TOWAROWY BRACI JABŁKOWSKICH, UL. BRACKA 25
Partnerem spotkania jest Otwórz Książkę, ICM - Uniwersytet Warszawski
TENDER MAN OF BUSINESS. How to earn and give responsibly. Big-hearted enterpreneurs and philantropic manufacturers please stand up! How to make money responsibly and be generous at the same time? Experts and businessmen answer the impossible question. SUNDAY 15.00-16.30, UL. BRACKA 25.
Partnerem spotkania jest Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu.
CITY-VILLAGE REUNION. Poland here and there. A big city writer talks to a storyteller from the countryside. Are they Polands apart or will they meet halfway? SUNDAY 17.00-18.30, DOM TOWAROWY BRACI JABŁKOWSKICH, UL. BRACKA 25
www.bigbookfestival.pl www.facebook.com/bigbookfestival
Partners of TRANZYT: Fundacja im. Heinricha Bölla, Fundacja Ośrodka KARTA, ICM – Uniwersytet Warszawski, Fundacja Obywatelskiego Rozwoju, Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu, Narodowe Centrum Kultury and Wydawnictwo Wytwórnia.