Is the situation in Eastern Ukraine still a topic for the international community? What can we do as Europeans to help Donbas? Is the Minsk Protocol enough to deal with the conflict ? Those and other questions were discussed with our experts during an open debate which Heinrich Böll Foundation in Warsaw organized in cooperation with Stefan Batory Foundation.

Full conference hall welcomed our experts during a panel discussion about the war in Donbas. Diplomats, NGO representatives, publicists and everyone who is interested in the subject of security and European policy towards our Eastern neighbor had a possibility to discover different points of view and discuss them along with international panelists.
The war in Donbas has already lasted for almost five years. Even if the situation is not as severe as in 2014-2015, there’s not much of a view on a conflict resolution. The commitments made in Minsk Protocol are not executed and the situation in the region itself may seem hopeless. More and more questions arise. What should be the answer of the European Union for a crisis by the Eastern border? How to create an effective policy towards Ukraine and in the same time adhere the strategic interests of the continent? How to form the relations with Russia when the unity of the West is being undermined?
We invite you to watch the video material!
The panel was moderated by Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz from ForumIdei Fundacji im. Stefana Batorego and the experts were: Hanna Shelest (Ukraine Analytica), Georgiy Chizhov (Center for Reforms Support, Russia), Wojciech Konończuk (Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich, Poland), Walter Kauffmann (Heinrich Böll Foundation, Germany) oraz Lena Friha-Morozova (EuropaNova, France).
An enriching discussion, different opinions and lots of questions from the audience – that all shows that the topic of Donbas conflict is still alive in the minds of Europeans and it interests Polish people a lot.
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