In cooperation with local partner organisations, hbs organises seminars and workshops, conferences, summer schools, visiting programs and festivals. Thereby hbs aims to initiate public debates on political, social and cultural issues and enhance dialogue between different political stakeholders on the national as well as international level. Should you be interested to cooperate with the office, please contact a program coordinator related to your project proposal. We encourage you to check beforehand, whether your ideas are compliant with our mission statement and whether it applies to any of our programmes.
We also support various project by means of promotion and content-related consultation. If you need support in this area, present your project to the person responsible for PR.
Welcome to the website of the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Warsaw. The Foundation is currently working on three programmes: Democracy & Human Rights; International Politics; Energy & Climate. We keenly follow Heinrich Böll’s exhortation that citizens become involved in politics, and we want to inspire others to do the same.
The thematically organized sections correspond with the full spectrum of our activities. Here you can find information about events organised independently, or in cooperation with other organisations, as well as about our publications on the most relevant green topics.