Ukraine's reconstruction: "Continue to apply the sandwich effect!"


On 21 and 22 June 2023, the Ukraine Reconstruction Conference was held in London. It is about a lot of money, its distribution and the necessary control. If many actors work together, the mammoth task can succeed without much corruption. Johannes Voswinkel, Director of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Kyiv office interviews Olena Halushka, Board Member of the Ukrainian Anti-Corruption Action Centre (AntAC).

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World Refugee Day 2023: accountability cannot be pushed over borders

Dzień Uchodźcy i Uchodźczyni 2023

World Refugee Day obliges us to take stock of the brutal reality at our EU's external borders. We cannot shirk our responsibility for humanity or outsource responsibility.

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10 minutes

It’s time for the Green family to show its support for Ukraine

Czas by „zielony” ruch okazał Ukrainie swoje wsparcie

Russia's ongoing war against Ukraine is a tragedy on an unprecedented scale. The struggle for independence of the Ukrainian society will go down in history, and the heroism and determination of the resistance movement will be remembered by successive generations of Europeans. 

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Actually European!? 2024

Executive summary
The sixth edition of the long-term study Actually European!? examines how the German population views the European elections and what they expect from their government at the EU level, ahead of the 6-9 June 2024 European elections.
A new opening?

A new opening?

The war on the Ukraine brought new challenges for German-Polish relations. Certainly, the change of government in Poland after the election that took place on 15th October 2023 created a new window of opportunity for a substantial rapprochement between Berlin and Warsaw. This could lead to the intensification of their cooperation in Eastern Europe, which may become a game changer for the region. Report from the V. German-Polish Roundtable in Wojnowice.

Actually European!? 2023

Executive summary
In its coalition agreement, Germany’s current government committed itself to an “active EU policy” and promised to shape Europe in a "constructive" way. The past year however was dominated by crisis management in the wake of Russia's war of aggression. The EU, in its support of Ukraine or in the area of energy policy, proved to be capable of fast and common action, though its room for manoeuvre was often limited to the crises. Its defence capabilities and decarbonization of the economy still present enormous challenges. Against this political backdrop, the fifth edition of the long-term study Actually European!? analyzes how German citizens assess their country’s role in the EU and what they expect from their government.

EU foreign policy

The European Union is playing a more and more important role in international politics. Its origins are rooted in the dramatic experience of the Second World War and therefore it has special responsibility for the future of the continent and international order. Unfortunately, the EU does not always take advantage of its own potential in this field. Therefore, the way to create common foreign policy and its efficient mechanisms leaves a lot to be desired.