PhD. Candidate at the Institute of European Studies and International Relations at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava. She graduated in journalism at the Comenius University and in gender studies at the Central European University in Budapest. In her PhD. thesis she focuses on women´s participation in the Velvet Revolution 1989 in Slovakia and consequences of women´s exclusion from history on the current politics. Since 2005 she has been cooperating with the first feminist NGO in Slovakia ASPEKT where she works on the topics like political subjectivity of women, political and media communication, gender sensitive language, etc. She is a coauthor of various publications, e. g. Politiky a političky. Aspekty politickej subjectivity žien (Politics and Politicians. Aspects of Political Subjectivity of Women; ASPEKT 2011) and Politika vylúčenia a emócií. Aspekty predvolebnej kampane 2012 (Politics of Exclusion and Emotions. Aspects of Election Campaign 2012; ASPEKT 2012).
gender expert cooperating with the Slovak feminist educational and publishing organisation ASPEKT