Adam Balcer is a political scientist, expert in the area of Central-Eastern Europe, the Black Sea region and Polish foreign policy. He works also as National Researcher at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR). He is lecturer at the Centre of East European Studies (SEW) at the University of Warsaw. He cooperates on the permanent basis with journals “Nowa Europa Wschodnia”, “New Eastern Europe” and “Aspen Review Central Europe” and webpage “Dialog Forum. Perspektiven aus der Mitte Europas” . He hosts the podcast "Lechistan" about Poland's historical relations with the Muslim world at the radio station TOK FM.
Former Expert at the Department of Central Europe of Balkan section (2001-2009) and Project Leader of the Turkish project at the Centre for Eastern Studies (2005-2009). In the period of 2009-2013 Director of “Enlargement and Neighborhood” Program at demosEUROPA-Centre for European Strategy. He was adviser to the President of Poland at the Presidential Expert Program (2013-2015). In 2015 he was director of annual conference “Polish Eastern Policy”- the largest event in Poland dedicated to the Eastern Europe. Author of numerous articles and reports and author of the books “Polska na globalnej szachownicy” (Poland on the global chessboard), “Orzeł i Półksiężyc. 600 lat polskiej publicystyki poświęconej Turcji” (The Eagle and the crescent. 600 years of Polish publications about Turkey) and "Turcja, Wielki Step i Europa Środkowa" (Turkey, Great Steppe and Central Europe).