Bastian Hermisson has been executive director of the Heinrich Böll Foundation's North America office since 2015. Prior to that, he directed the Heinrich Boell Foundation's European Union office in Brussels, and was head of the EU/North America department as well as the department for foreign and security policy of the Heinrich Böll Foundation's headquarters in Berlin. Previously he directed the program for transatlantic relations at the foundation's office in Washington, DC.
Before joining the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Bastian served for three years as advisor on foreign, security and environmental politics to MP Katrin Göring-Eckardt, caucus leader of the Greens in the German Bundestag. He holds a M. A. summa cum laudae in cultural anthropology and geography, having studied at the Humboldt-University as well as the Free University, Berlin, the Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, and Connecticut College, New London, CT.
Bastian's fields of expertise are: Foreign and Security Policy; German and European Policy; Energy and Climate Policy.