The Wrong Kind of Colony. Russian Influences on Higher Education in Ukraine


Higher education plays a major role in the formation of this political nation, but Russian colonial influences inhibit its European modernization. That is why the decolonization of higher education in Ukraine is an important aspect of its integration into the global educational space.

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7 minutes

Ukraine's reconstruction: "Continue to apply the sandwich effect!"


On 21 and 22 June 2023, the Ukraine Reconstruction Conference was held in London. It is about a lot of money, its distribution and the necessary control. If many actors work together, the mammoth task can succeed without much corruption. Johannes Voswinkel, Director of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Kyiv office interviews Olena Halushka, Board Member of the Ukrainian Anti-Corruption Action Centre (AntAC).

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11 minutes

More arrests and repression in Belarus


Further arrests and acts of repression in Belarus: Lawyer Maxim Snak arrested; Nobel Prize for Literature winner Svetlana Alexievich harassed – Pressure on Minsk and Moscow must be raised and activists in danger allowed into Germany.

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3 minutes


Europe and the war in Ukraine: DE-PL-UKR perspectives

Europe and the war in Ukraine: DE-PL-UKR perspectives

The report “Europe and the war in Ukraine: DE-PL-UKR perspectives” published in the framework of the project “German-Polish Roundtable on the East”, implemented in cooperation The Jan Nowak-Jeziorański College of Eastern Europe, Austausch e.V, with the support of the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation, and the city of Wrocław, invited prominent German, Polish and Ukrainian experts to write essays approaching the Russian aggressive war on Ukraine from various angles.  

Ost/Wschód Final Report

The report “Between the Past and Future. Poland and Germany in Eastern Europe” published in the framework of the project “German-Polish Roundtable on the East”, implemented in cooperation The Jan Nowak-Jeziorański College of Eastern Europe, by diving deep into Polish and German policies towards Eastern Europe, details why a good cooperation between the countries is needed to effectively respond to the emerging challenges and opportunities in the region (Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine). Furthermore, authors offer a set of concrete recommendations on how to overcome the existing Polish-German tensions and improve cooperation regarding the eastern dimension of their (foreign) policies.

The Minsk (dis)agreement and Europe’s security order

The annexation of Crimea by Moscow, and then the provocation and support of the separatism in Eastern Ukraine were the beginning of an ongoing armed conflict. Two years ago in Minsk an agreement was made whose official objective was to restore peace in Eastern Ukraine. The analysis outlines the significance of this conflict in the context of discussions on the model of European security and of Russia’s policy on the West. The authors present the risks associated with the process of implementing the Minsk agreement and conclude with several conclusions for EU policy.

Eastern neighbours

The Warsaw Regional Office of the Heinrich Böll Foundation appreciates Polish aspirations and achievements within the European Neighbourhood Policy and the enlargement of the EU, especially in its Eastern dimension. Therefore, it has for many years supported debates about the future of the relationships between the EU and its Eastern neighbours, especially with Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. In the meetings we organize, and in the projects of the partner organisations that we support, we aim to deepen the dialogue between East and West, between the old and the new member states of the EU. Furthermore, we search for a political consensus to promote good neighbourhood relations.