Energy & Climate

The Heinrich Böll Foundation puts its main emphasis on the areas of global energy and climate policy, i.e. discussions about the opportunities for renewable energy. Our Warsaw office focuses on the presentation and promotion of sustainable, thus long-term, scenarios in the development of the energy sector in Europe, and in particular in Poland. We initiate debates on various energy models considering health, economic and political issues. As well as debates, we deliver knowledge in the form of handbooks and analysis.

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Climate Change

Energy Transition



Energy Communities and the Legacy of Post-Socialism

The energy and climate crisis is real, and the big fossil fuel companies are dictating the rules of the game. Global warming and Russia's aggression in Ukraine have accelerated the search for safer, cheaper, and greener energy. One option is energy provided by energy communities. In post-communist countries, however, cooperatives have a distinctly negative connotation. The belief that energy should come from big government agencies or fossil fuel companies has created a perception that energy prices are beyond our control. But is this statement true? We explore this and many other questions in the following report.

The 100% Renewable Energy Action Plan for the next European Commission

Policy recommendations
The climate crisis and energy price explosion have made it clear: the EU cannot afford its dependency on fossil fuels anymore. How to deal with these enormous challenges? Our 100% Renewable Action Plan for the next European Commission describes what needs to happen after the 2024 European elections to harvest the benefits of renewables.
Frontpage of Böll.Thema Cursed Treasures

Böll.Thema 2/23: Cursed Treasures

Global demand for critical and strategic raw materials is on the rise. These resources are indispensable, particularly for the transition to clean energy, but also within other industry sectors. In this issue of our Böll.Thema magazine, we provide insights into recent developments in resource extraction, the associated challenges, and, most importantly, opportunities for positive change.

Coal Atlas: Facts and figures on a fossil fuel