All publications on "Democracy & Human Rights"

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We barely have time to celebrate our wins … or to process what we’ve lost

The Ukrainian House report, issued in cooperation with the Open Space Works Ukraine and the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Warsaw highlights how Ukrainian Women-led Organisations (WLOSs) have played a key role in responding to the humanitarian crisis caused by Russia’s full-scale invasion. Drawing on research in Ukraine and Poland, it explores their grassroots efforts in providing emergency aid, psychosocial support, and long-term solutions.  
Cover: Boell.Thema 2/2024: Democracy

Böll.Thema 2/24: Democracy

Worldwide, democracy is under pressure. In this edition of the magazine Böll.Thema we introduce people who inspire us with their commitment to democratic values. Because without dedication and action, there can be no democracy. And without democracy, everything is for naught.

From democratic resilience to democratic security

Based on the 2024 political guidelines and mission letters to the new European Commissioners, the EU’s approach towards democracy seems to have shifted from a focus on democratic resilience towards democratic security. After a thorough examination of the EU’s 2019-2024 democracy agenda, this study presents recommendations for the next legislative cycle.

Women CSO leaders for systemic change

This study aims to take stock of the progress of the last decade, as well as identify remaining barriers and new opportunities for women CSO leaders in achieving systemic change in Europe. The key findings indicate a concerning trend of burnout among women leaders in the CSO sector, hindering their efforts to drive systemic change.
Queer in Poland: Autobiographies

Queer in Poland: Autobiographies

is the result of the contest for queer autobiographies organized in 2020. These autobiographical accounts offer insights into the experiences of individuals who identify outside of heteronormativity in Poland: their upbringing, familial dynamics, romantic relationships, and interactions with public institutions.  
The Impact of Covid-19 on Ukrainian Women Migrants in Poland

The Impact of Covid-19 on Ukrainian Women Migrants in Poland

A report by the 'Nasz Wybór Foundation' published in cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Warsaw documents how COVID-19 and measures introduced by the state administration to curb its spread have affected migrant women from Ukraine. It also includes a list of actions that the authors of the report believe should be taken by the state, selected institutions and social organisations.

Sexual and Reproductive Rights

Women’s bodies have regularly been – and still are – the central target of conservative and fundamentalist ideology and praxis. Although the individual right to self-determination has always been shaped by social and cultural norms and legal frameworks, it is currently being determined more than ever by reproductive technologies and medical issues.

Annual Report 2014

Annual Report 2014  provides information about activities of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung worldwide. It explores issues of (gender) democracy, human rights, European policies, social and environmental transformation, art, culture etc.

Berlin Anthology: From where I shan’t return

The International Literature Festival Berlin, together with the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, has called on authors to contemplate the fates of refugees and asylum-seekers in literary form. Twenty-two authors from fifteen different countries answered this call in poems, short prose and essays. The perspectives and insights are just as different as individual motives, destinies, and experiences.

Sexual and Reproductive Rights

Women’s bodies have regularly been – and still are – the central target of conservative and fundamentalist ideology and praxis. This essay provides analytical background information for critical and controversial debates and motivation to explore political intervention.

Anti-Gender Movements on the Rise?

The concept of "gender backlash" encompasses activities pursued by a multitude of different local initiatives all over Central and Eastern Europe, which strongly promote tradition over equality. In many cases these groups appear to be backed and inspired both by influential US-American “pro life” organisations as well as the Kremlin’s "Gay-rope" propaganda, which aims to discredit the European Union as a place of moral decline.

Overcoming Gender Backlash

We are honoured to present conference materials of the Second International Gender Workshop "Overcoming Gender Backlash: Experiences of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Georgia, Armenia and Poland" organized and hosted by the Kyiv office in October 2013. In this publication you shall find analyses focused on gender education, LGBT issues, as well as sexual and reproductive health and rights of women in the respective countries.

Gender-political perspectives for societies in transition

In post-war periods and in the aftermath of serious, systematic human rights violations, gender-based forms of violence are usually forgotten during the processing of the past and reconciliation phase. Yet, only when they are paid due regard can lasting peace processes be established. Given this, it is important to subject transitional justice institu-tions and approaches to a detailed review. The results: until now, transitional justice has, in many places, failed to address the gender dimensions but increasingly so the issues of inequality, hierarchies and violence patterns. This study details these problems and presents the resulting challenges facing politicians and society.

Green New Deal in Poland

Though the publication of this study the Green European Foundation is continuing its work on the elaboration and dissemination of ideas and research on one of the core projects of the European Green political family: “the Green New Deal”. Initiated by the Heinrich Böll Foundation Warsaw office and the Zielony Instytut Poland, this volume endeavours to link the European level concept to a concrete national example. A “Green New Deal for Poland” delivers a first case study of what the actual implementation of a European Green New Deal would mean at the national level.

Polish shades of green

The publication of the European Green Foundation attempts to find answers for the question about the future of Green politics in Poland. The publication stems from the research ordered in 2008 by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and coordinated by Przemysław Sadura. The research concerned the prevailing reception of Green ideas and perception of Green political powers by the Polish society. On its bases, the Author analysed the Greens’ chances of finding a permanent place on the Polish political scene.

Fifteen Years after Beijing: Platform for Action at the Crossroads

What does Beijing Platform for Action mean for women today? Which elements of its language, which goals of the documents became part of the women’s movement at local, national, and global levels of activism? Does it mean that the Platform for Action, agreed upon in 1995, and considered the most revolutionary international manifesto of the support for women’s rights is now outdated? Has the document that initiated the presence of the women’s organizations within the international public space has the special value only for the first generations of women’s NGOs but is meaningless for the younger women? The Heinrich Boell Foundation commissioned a study that indicates what is the influence and perception of the Beijing Platform for Action in Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine and the Czech Republic.

Women in Times of Change, 1989-2009

The twentieth anniversary of the 1989 breakthrough is an occasion for summaries. The year 2009 was full of intense debates about achievements and failures, successes and lost opportunities of the past two decades. In the countries of the former Eastern Bloc those debates were a sort of closure on history. In the context of broadly publicised disputes about hierarchy of events and symbols (the Polish Round Table vs. the fall of the Berlin Wall) and the lists of those deserving most honours (whether and why Wałęsa or Gorbachev ought to be included), both the role and significance of women in the events of 1989, and their experiences during the twenty years of transformation constituted a marginal topic in the anniversary discourse.

Gender Issues 2009: Gender Equality Discourse in Times of Transformation, 1989-2009: the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine

Looking at the changes initiated in 1989, such as the introduction of market economy and the adoption of neoliberal ideology as the foundation of the new political, economic and social system, it is important to see how they influenced the situation of men and women. The publication Gender Issues 2009: Gender Equality Discourse in Times of Transformation, 1989-2009: the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine is yet another initiative of the Heinrich Böll Foundation regional Office in Warsaw trying to fill this gap and, at the same time, it is also the result of the Foundation’s cooperation with partner organisations from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine, which, since 2007, have been monitoring the progress of the implementation of gender equality politics and adherence to EU standards in this field.

Gender Mainstreaming. How Can We Successfully Use Its Political Potential?

Gender mainstreaming is a strategic approach that initially obligates governments, as well as businesses and other institutions, to systematically introduce a gender-oriented perspective for every political and economic decision. It attempts to examine and analyse all political, policy and economic decisions with regards to their effects in relation to gender. Being aware of the contradictory reflection accompanying the evaluation of gender mainstreaming, it is worthwhile to ask the question regarding the strategic potential of this tool and the future of institutional gender equality politics.


Our main goal is to deepen public debate on democracy, human rights, energy and climate, as well as international politics - and we place special emphasis on Eastern Partnership. We publish reports, analyses and articles, all available for free in PDF format. Enjoy reading, and feel free to comment!


Reconnecting Europe

The European Union is drifting apart. What can we do to reconnect citizens and EU Institutions, north and south, centre and periphery? Four bloggers from Bulgaria, Germany, Spain and the UK share their ideas.

A comprehensive dossier on energy & climate politics, including regional analyses from international offices of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, climate finance, green economy and many more related topics.

"Green Growth, Smart Growth" - a new book by Ralf Fücks