A US-Germany-Poland Leadership Coalition for Ukraine

Ukrainian flag at Times Square

European security is dependent on a free and stable Ukraine. However, the 2024 US election could result in a fundamentally different policy approach to aid for Ukraine in Washington. To guarantee policy continuity, the United States should form a trilateral leadership coalition with Germany and Poland. Recent changes in Polish politics will help. Together, the three countries must devise a long-term strategy on Ukraine based on an agreed vision of European security and continued assistance to Ukraine.

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Statement by the Heinrich Böll Foundation on the Hamas attack on Israel


We condemn the brutal  terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel in the strongest possible terms.Our full solidarity now goes to Israel, which has every right to defend itself against terror.

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The survivors of the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria need support!


Help knows no borders. There are many people who are willing to take in survivors of the earthquakes in Syria and Turkey. Medical support in the stricken areas is desperately needed. But this will require support at political level.

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Actually European!? 2024

Executive summary
The sixth edition of the long-term study Actually European!? examines how the German population views the European elections and what they expect from their government at the EU level, ahead of the 6-9 June 2024 European elections.
A new opening?

A new opening?

The war on the Ukraine brought new challenges for German-Polish relations. Certainly, the change of government in Poland after the election that took place on 15th October 2023 created a new window of opportunity for a substantial rapprochement between Berlin and Warsaw. This could lead to the intensification of their cooperation in Eastern Europe, which may become a game changer for the region. Report from the V. German-Polish Roundtable in Wojnowice.

Actually European!? 2023

Executive summary
In its coalition agreement, Germany’s current government committed itself to an “active EU policy” and promised to shape Europe in a "constructive" way. The past year however was dominated by crisis management in the wake of Russia's war of aggression. The EU, in its support of Ukraine or in the area of energy policy, proved to be capable of fast and common action, though its room for manoeuvre was often limited to the crises. Its defence capabilities and decarbonization of the economy still present enormous challenges. Against this political backdrop, the fifth edition of the long-term study Actually European!? analyzes how German citizens assess their country’s role in the EU and what they expect from their government.


We are frequently asked why a green foundation, which generally tends towards pacifism, deals with security policy. We understand our task is to provide a critical approach to the local and global challenges of security issues in the wider sense. We want to find space for respect for human rights, democratic control of uniformed services as well as a gender perspective in all political decisions.