All publications on "International politics"


EU defence industrial policy in a new era

The 2024 re-election of Donald Trump as US president, and the realignment of US security strategy that is expected to follow fundamentally changes Europe’s security outlook. The EU cannot become Europe’s security provider, but it can, through its defence industrial policy, support the funding and organization of the rearmament effort.
Raport KEW

Poland, Germany and Ukraine at a Turning Point: Making or Breaking the Western Alliance

At the beginning of 2025, Russia's war against Ukraine is entering its third year. At the same time, the EU is facing many uncertainties. Starting with those related to Donald Trump's second presidential term, through intra-European ones – related to the growth of far-right and far-left groups in many EU countries, and resulting from Russia's hybrid war against Western countries. In this context, the Jan Nowak-Jeziorański College of Eastern Europe in cooperation with Austausch is publishing a report that offers answers to these threats and challenges. The report is published with the support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation Warsaw office.

Shaping the EU's Financial Architecture for the Future

Policy Paper
The European Union faces the enormous challenge of having to achieve the necessary climate targets it has set itself, while at the same time increasing industrial competitiveness and ensuring public services of general interest. A sustainable European financial architecture based on three pillars is needed to finance these green-social investments at EU level. It is presented in this policy paper.
Actually European 2024 cover

Actually European!? 2024

Executive summary
The sixth edition of the long-term study Actually European!? examines how the German population views the European elections and what they expect from their government at the EU level, ahead of the 6-9 June 2024 European elections.
A new opening?

A new opening?

The war on the Ukraine brought new challenges for German-Polish relations. Certainly, the change of government in Poland after the election that took place on 15th October 2023 created a new window of opportunity for a substantial rapprochement between Berlin and Warsaw. This could lead to the intensification of their cooperation in Eastern Europe, which may become a game changer for the region. Report from the V. German-Polish Roundtable in Wojnowice.

Actually European!? 2023

Executive summary
In its coalition agreement, Germany’s current government committed itself to an “active EU policy” and promised to shape Europe in a "constructive" way. The past year however was dominated by crisis management in the wake of Russia's war of aggression. The EU, in its support of Ukraine or in the area of energy policy, proved to be capable of fast and common action, though its room for manoeuvre was often limited to the crises. Its defence capabilities and decarbonization of the economy still present enormous challenges. Against this political backdrop, the fifth edition of the long-term study Actually European!? analyzes how German citizens assess their country’s role in the EU and what they expect from their government.
Europe and the war in Ukraine: DE-PL-UKR perspectives

Europe and the war in Ukraine: DE-PL-UKR perspectives

The report “Europe and the war in Ukraine: DE-PL-UKR perspectives” published in the framework of the project “German-Polish Roundtable on the East”, implemented in cooperation The Jan Nowak-Jeziorański College of Eastern Europe, Austausch e.V, with the support of the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation, and the city of Wrocław, invited prominent German, Polish and Ukrainian experts to write essays approaching the Russian aggressive war on Ukraine from various angles.  

Ost/Wschód Final Report

The report “Between the Past and Future. Poland and Germany in Eastern Europe” published in the framework of the project “German-Polish Roundtable on the East”, implemented in cooperation The Jan Nowak-Jeziorański College of Eastern Europe, by diving deep into Polish and German policies towards Eastern Europe, details why a good cooperation between the countries is needed to effectively respond to the emerging challenges and opportunities in the region (Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine). Furthermore, authors offer a set of concrete recommendations on how to overcome the existing Polish-German tensions and improve cooperation regarding the eastern dimension of their (foreign) policies.

Green Ideas for the Future of Europe

Through 20 conversations with Green decision makers and civil society actors, held prior to Germany's EU Council Presidency, the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung has striven to contribute to a profound debate about the consequences of the pandemic and the future of the European project.

The Minsk (dis)agreement and Europe’s security order

The annexation of Crimea by Moscow, and then the provocation and support of the separatism in Eastern Ukraine were the beginning of an ongoing armed conflict. Two years ago in Minsk an agreement was made whose official objective was to restore peace in Eastern Ukraine. The analysis outlines the significance of this conflict in the context of discussions on the model of European security and of Russia’s policy on the West. The authors present the risks associated with the process of implementing the Minsk agreement and conclude with several conclusions for EU policy.

Beneath the surface of illiberalism: The recurring temptation of ‘national democracy’ in Poland and Hungary – with lessons for Europe

This report analyzes the historical trajectories of nation-building processes in Poland and Hungary, the identity politics of both parties and their politics of memory. It discusses three specific domains in which the shift in the understanding of the nation is most visible – namely in the attitudes towards the State, democracy and the West.  It finishes by formulating lessons that stem from these two case studies and can serve as a ‘warning call’ for the rest of Europe.

Annual Report 2014

Annual Report 2014  provides information about activities of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung worldwide. It explores issues of (gender) democracy, human rights, European policies, social and environmental transformation, art, culture etc.

Berlin Anthology: From where I shan’t return

The International Literature Festival Berlin, together with the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, has called on authors to contemplate the fates of refugees and asylum-seekers in literary form. Twenty-two authors from fifteen different countries answered this call in poems, short prose and essays. The perspectives and insights are just as different as individual motives, destinies, and experiences.

Populism in Central and Eastern Europe – Challenge for the Future?

With ‘Populism in Central and Eastern Europe – Challenge for the Future’ we present a collection of contributions to a seminar and an open panel debate organised by the Green European Foundation (GEF) with support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation Warsaw and the Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities (SWPS) on October 22nd and 23rd 2012 in Warsaw, Poland.

Critique of the Green Economy - Toward Social and Environmental Equity

The idea of growth as the way to end poverty and escape economic and financial crisis remains largely undisputed and is currently reflected in the concept of the green economy. But not everything that is “green” and efficient is also environmentally sustainable and socially equitable. This essay outlines a policy of less, of wealth in moderation, to enable the Earth’s resources to make a life of dignity and without need possible for all.

Report "The Rulers and the Ruled in Today's Russia"

A wave of demonstrations was sparked by the election frauds that took place during the parliamentary elections (December 2011) as well as the presidential electoral campaign and the elections themselves in March 2012. Are these events a symptom of change in the relationship between the rulers and the ruled in Russia, judged from the perspective of a few decades or even a few hundreds of years, or are they rather a passing phenomenon that will not leave any significant trace in the history of Russia? This report attempts to answer this question.


Our main goal is to deepen public debate on democracy, human rights, energy and climate, as well as international politics - and we place special emphasis on Eastern Partnership. We publish reports, analyses and articles, all available for free in PDF format. Enjoy reading, and feel free to comment!


Reconnecting Europe

The European Union is drifting apart. What can we do to reconnect citizens and EU Institutions, north and south, centre and periphery? Four bloggers from Bulgaria, Germany, Spain and the UK share their ideas.

A comprehensive dossier on energy & climate politics, including regional analyses from international offices of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, climate finance, green economy and many more related topics.

"Green Growth, Smart Growth" - a new book by Ralf Fücks