Europe & International Politics

The international political order has undergone fundamental changes in recent years. The European Union wants to, and should, play an important and active role within these changes. However, political declarations do not suffice in light of the challenges and present divisions. We support the activities of governments and EU institutions towards closer cooperation in international politics. Furthermore, we create space for the debates and disputes of member states representing different interests. From the Warsaw point of view we particularly stress relations with our Eastern neighbours, such as Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. In terms of security policy, we underline respect for human rights and democratic control over armed forces.

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European debates

EU foreign policy

Eastern neighbours



Shaping the EU's Financial Architecture for the Future

The European Union faces the enormous challenge of having to achieve the necessary climate targets it has set itself, while at the same time increasing industrial competitiveness and ensuring public services of general interest. A sustainable European financial architecture based on three pillars is needed to finance these green-social investments at EU level. It is presented in this policy paper.

Actually European!? 2024

Executive summary
The sixth edition of the long-term study Actually European!? examines how the German population views the European elections and what they expect from their government at the EU level, ahead of the 6-9 June 2024 European elections.
A new opening?

A new opening?

The war on the Ukraine brought new challenges for German-Polish relations. Certainly, the change of government in Poland after the election that took place on 15th October 2023 created a new window of opportunity for a substantial rapprochement between Berlin and Warsaw. This could lead to the intensification of their cooperation in Eastern Europe, which may become a game changer for the region. Report from the V. German-Polish Roundtable in Wojnowice.

Our dossiers


Ost/East: Polish-German Debates on the East

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