Europe & International Politics

The international political order has undergone fundamental changes in recent years. The European Union wants to, and should, play an important and active role within these changes. However, political declarations do not suffice in light of the challenges and present divisions. We support the activities of governments and EU institutions towards closer cooperation in international politics. Furthermore, we create space for the debates and disputes of member states representing different interests. From the Warsaw point of view we particularly stress relations with our Eastern neighbours, such as Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. In terms of security policy, we underline respect for human rights and democratic control over armed forces.

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EU defence industrial policy in a new era

The 2024 re-election of Donald Trump as US president, and the realignment of US security strategy that is expected to follow fundamentally changes Europe’s security outlook. The EU cannot become Europe’s security provider, but it can, through its defence industrial policy, support the funding and organization of the rearmament effort.
Raport KEW

Poland, Germany and Ukraine at a Turning Point: Making or Breaking the Western Alliance

At the beginning of 2025, Russia's war against Ukraine is entering its third year. At the same time, the EU is facing many uncertainties. Starting with those related to Donald Trump's second presidential term, through intra-European ones – related to the growth of far-right and far-left groups in many EU countries, and resulting from Russia's hybrid war against Western countries. In this context, the Jan Nowak-Jeziorański College of Eastern Europe in cooperation with Austausch is publishing a report that offers answers to these threats and challenges. The report is published with the support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation Warsaw office.

European debates
